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Recent Newsletter Preview: #113

I am married to a photographer. He’s taught me many things over the years, but one of them is perspective taking. I’ve learned to see differently, which has made the world a more interesting place. More enchanting. More complex. More infinite. More connected. More menacing. More kind. At heart, I’m still a pragmatist, but regularly taking flight to see things from a different perch helps me think through some gnarly problems with others. There’s always another path. Some well worn, some not so much. But more often than not, there is reason for hope. With the New Year upon us, I hope you make this a year to practice seeing from another perch.

Floating Dumpster, David Torcoletti

In this issue we’ll be taking a look at the beauty and power in masterfully combining high standards with support. Discussion questions for Instruments of a Beating Heart. Help from Adam Grant and David Yeager. Approaching strategy as hypothesis. Interview questions to help evaluate leadership candidates on their experience and comfort with change.

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